(18) An update on the past few months

Sorry it’s been such a long time since I last wrote a blog post but there didn’t seem to be that much to write about at the time, although looking back, it’s actually been a pretty busy couple of months. So first, I’ll write a little bit about my time at home in March, and then a little bit about starting second semester here in Germany.

So, after I had finished all my assignments and exams in February, I travelled back home to visit friends and family during the semester break. I was so busy during this month, that I don’t think I ever had a day where I just sat down and rested. I visited friends in Cardiff, Bath, and Loughborough, and one of my friends who I met here travelled to England for the first time so I did some sightseeing with her in Cambridge at at the Harry Potter studios. I also spent lots of time with my family, and my old child-minder’s family (her house is basically my second home!) I had a really nice time at home and it was lovely to see some people are such a long time but by the end of the month, I was really missing Rostock and was keen to come back.

Once I was back, I didn’t have that much too do before semester started as I had already picked my classes so I just caught up with some friends and I also spent some time with another girl from Cardiff, who had just arrived to do an Erasmus semester here.

During my first week of lectures, my friend Emily came to visit me for a few days, so I showed her around Rostock and we went to a few parties so I could show her what life is like as an Erasmus student. On Sunday 10th, we went to Berlin and visited lots of different tourist attractions before staying in a hotel for the night (although we had to leave the hotel at about 3:30am, so I could take her to the airport for her very early flight home) which meant for the next few days I was very very tired!

After a couple of weeks of lectures, I realised that one of my modules choices wasn’t a very good choice for me so I had to swap it for a German language course with the language centre. This meant I had to take a placement test to see what level I am, the result of which was a very high B2 (it’s great to know that I’m exactly where I should be). Now all of my courses are going really well, and I’m really enjoying them. Being in lectures from 11am-7pm on a Tuesday isn’t very fun but having a couple of days off in the week was definitely a great timetable choice!

But it’s not all work and no play. I’ve been on a lot of nights out with other Erasmus students since being back (I can actually feel the beer belly forming!) and have been meeting up with lots of people to do things such as go on picnics, and go to gigs etc. which has been a lot of fun. I went to see a a band called Bukahara who were supported by a band called ABOTS, both of which I would highly recommend as they are definitely worth listening to and were great to see live. I’ve even been making plans with some other British people to visit each other next year when we’re back in the UK.

So that’s all for this blog post, but I’ve booked a few weekends away to different places so in the next few weeks there should be some much more interesting blog posts for you to read.

Lastly, just a little shout out to my Dad as it’s his birthday on Saturday – Have a great day! (he always complains if his name isn’t mentioned when I write a post)